The SpongeBob Musical (2023)

Jeff Award Nominee: Best Performance by a Supporting Actor

  • "Bikini Bottom’s villainous Sheldon J. Plankton (a deliciously dastardly Parker Guidry)... plot to relocate everyone to his new planned community 'Chumville.'"

    Chicago Sun Times

  • "The plan is threatened by the diabolical Sheldon J. Plankton (Parker Guidry), played with wonderful camp, like a cross between Rutger Hauer in “Blade Runner” and David Bowie in “Labyrinth,” wearing a neon-green duster and laced-up, knee-high boots."

    Newcity Stage

  • "All the residents of Bikini Bottom get their moment to shine, including... Parker Guidry’s Sheldon J. Plankton, Bikini Bottom’s answer to Boris Badenov."

    Chicago Reader

  • "Among the hilarious supporting roles is the antagonist, Sheldon J. Plankton (Parker Guidry), one of the ensemble’s tallest actors plays this tiny schemer, a casting choice that makes the jokes about the character’s size even funnier. Guidry stalks around in thigh-high boots and a matching green trench coat as Plankton hatches evil plans with his wife, a computer named Karen."

    Chicago Tribune

  • "The role of villain is taken up by Krabs’ fast-food rival, a tiny guy with a Napoleon complex named Sheldon J. Plankton, played by the always-amazing Parker Guidry, doing their finest scene-stealing Dr. Horrible."

    Chicago Onstage

  • "The evil villains of the show are the amazingly multi-gifted Parker Guidry, pulling out all the melodramatic stops as the maniacal Sheldon J. Plankton (someone needs to cast this young performer as Dr. Frank-N-Furter in “The Rocky Horror Show”!), assisted by his partner in crime, Amy Yesom Kim as Karen the Computer."

    Chicago Theatre Review

  • "Parker Guidry is hysterical as the evil Sheldon J. Plankton."

    Around the Town Chicago

  • "Thwarting our heroes most maniacally and quite fashionably are the diabolical duo of Sheldon J. Plankton and Karen the Computer, played by smashingly villainous Parker Guidry and adorably hesitant hench-device Amy Yesom Kim."

    Picks In Six

  • "Parker Guidry playing Dr. Frank-N-Furter as Plankton, essentially."

    Chi MT

Camelot (2022)

  • "Parker Guidry, excellent as the villainous Mordred in act two, spends most of act one singing and dancing the role of one of Camelot’s resident maidens, and they are awesome doing it."

    Chicago Reader

  • "Parker Guidry creates a truly magnificent and believable villain in their portrayal of Arthur’s bastard son, Mordred... this genderfluid actor knows exactly how to get to the heart of a character. Guidry’s rendition of “The Seven Deadly Virtues” is spit out with all the sarcasm and venom one would expect from this smarmy character."

    Chicago Theatre Review

  • "Played by the stunning Parker Guidry, a genderfluid powerhouse who is a lady in waiting in the first half of the show, Mordred represents everything Arthur is against."

    Chicago Stage and Screen

  • "Parker Guidry is simply fantastic as Mordred, never missing an opportunity for beguilement or bewitchery."


  • "And nod out to the deliciously smarmy Parker Guidry (Mordred) for [their] wicked “The Seven Deadly Virtues.”

    The Fourth Walsh

  • "Parker Guidry’s brilliantly slimy Mordred too easily convinces the knights—who have been champions of virtue for eight years—to retreat into barbarism."

    Chicago On Stage

Once Upon a Mattress (2022)

  • "Parker Guidry’s performance as the adorably neurotic Lady Larken is. . . a joy? A bubbly parade of loveliness? An effervescent shot of caffeine in this dreary sleep-deprived morning of a world?"


  • "The beautiful, groundbreaking coupling of Parker Guidry, as a gorgeous, imaginatively-cast Lady Larken—and handsome, hunky Michael Metcalf, as a virile, gravel-throated matinee idol Sir Harry—is a union made in Heaven. Their chemistry feels honest and realistic and their delightful duets are pure harmonic bliss."

    Chicago Theatre Review

  • "Parker Guidry’s Lady Larken is often the stately center of a production with all manner of hilarity occurring all around, and their onstage and vocal chemistry with Michael Metcalf’s Harry is real."

    Buzz Center Stage

  • "Parker Guidry and Michael Metcalf (Lady Larken and Sir Harry, respectively) had magnetic stage chemistry as their story made up the B plot of this musical."

    Broadway World

  • "Parker Guidry is a delight."

    Around the Town Chicago

  • "The brilliant Parker Guidry plays Lady Larken, at the center of the play’s most significant subplot."

    Chicago On Stage

If/Then (2020)

Jeff Award Nominee: Best Performance by a Supporting Actor

  • "Parker Guidry was the top player in the production; they were refreshingly genuine and believable as Lucas (who, bonus, is a bisexual man with character depth that actually goes beyond his sexuality)."

    Chicago Reader

  • "Parker Guidry's Lucas, Elizabeth's charming old best pal and former flame, will woo any audience."

    Newcity Stage

  • "Lucas (played with a straightforward, huggable charm by Parker Guidry), is bisexual; in one timeline, he starts a relationship with a man, and in the other, he is in love with a woman. This is portrayed with a refreshing mix of indifference and respect; both relationships are treated the same as any other."


  • "And as best friend Lucas, friendly Parker Guidry overflows with humor and kindness."

    Chicagoland Musical Theatre

  • "Parker Guidry is compelling as the sometimes sweet, sometimes troubled Lucas."

    Splash Magazines

  • "As Lucas, the always effervescent Parker Guidry brings depth and dazzle to yet another role."

    Chicago Theatre Review

Head Over Heels (2019)

Jeff Award Nominee: Best Performance by a Supporting Actor

  • "The entire ensemble delivers, with Guidry’s sinuous Pythio proving to be a sophisticated guiding force for the fools that these mortals be."

    Chicago Tribune

  • "Pythio (played by the sublime Parker Guidry) — has other ideas."

    Chicago Sun-Times

  • "But the true breakout star of this production is Parker Guidry in the ethereal role of Pythio. A non-binary actor themself, Guidry absolutely glories in making the most of this non-binary character. With savvy understanding and their signature uninhibited humor, Guidry sparkles every single time they take to the stage. Endowed with a fine singing voice, great dance ability and a talent for bringing hilarity to the most subtle situations, Parker Guidry is a luminous performer who, as shown by this performance, can do just about anything."

    Chicago Theatre and Concert Reviews

  • "But it has been foretold that Parker Guidry walks away with the show, and they sure do command every scene they’re in. Proving a powerhouse Pythio, with hypnotically serpentine movement, avian mystique and viper-like execution of language, the endlessly charismatic performer makes it easy to see why a character becomes “mad about them” by the show’s heartfelt finale."

    Chicagoland Musical Theatre

  • "But it is Parker Guidry, vibrantly and outrageously costumed by Uriel Gomez, who steals the show. Guidry, who identifies as nonbinary themself, plays the flamboyantly nonbinary Pythio with relish, looming over everything that happens in the role of Fate."

    Chicago Onstage

  • "A new oracle of Delphi, a self-dentified "nonbinary plural" and "Vision of Nowness" named Pythio (the exquisite and enchanting Parker Guidry whose star has been steadily rising since 2015's TRIASSIC PARQ)."

    Broadway World Chicago

  • "However, no one is more ethereal and scene-stealing than the non-binary Pythio, played by Parker Guidry, who kills it in breathtaking outfits, stunning vocals and choreography to boot as the all-knowing prophet."

    Chicago Theatre Triathlon

  • "Serving as puppet-master to this grand story is the indomitable Parker Guidry...they are the core of the tale, holding the fates of the kingdom in their hands, and holding notes until the audience erupts in applause."


  • "Guidry is absolutely stunning."

    The Fourth Walsh

  • "Parker Guidry as Pythio owns the room with the smallest gesture of their hand."

    Theatre By Numbers

  • "Parker Guidry absolutely slays as the mysterious and extraordinarily fabulous Pythio."

    Splash Magazine

  • "I also really loved the character of Pythio... The role was performed beautifully with great personality and technique."

    Ada Grey Reviews for You

  • "The self-identified nonbinary plural Oracle, Pythio (Parker Guidry), steal[s] the show with their vocal talents and humorous styles, as well as their exploration and discovery of sexual and gender fluidity."

    Third Coast Review

  • "The whole cast is winning, but I’d give special commendation to Guidry"

    Store Front Rebellion

  • "The story has some very cute scenes, in particular, all of those in which Parker Guidry is onstage. Guidry’s Oracle/Pythio truly shows off their talents."

    Around the Town Chicago

  • "The most enjoyable performances come from... Guidry as a fabulously androgynous Pythio."

    Hyde Park Herald

Grand Hotel (2018)

  • "Parker Guidry is heartbreaking as Erik, an overworked bellhop, whose young wife is in labor with their first child."

    Chicago Theatre and Concert Reviews

  • "Soloists also shine -- Parker Guidry as a bellhop too poor to take a day off while his son is an especially strong vocal performance."

    Picture This Post

  • "Guidry is ebullient as the new father."

    Chicago Onstage

Triassic Parq (2017)

  • "An emotional powerhouse."

    Broadway World Chicago

  • "I didn't know I could become so emotionally invested in a velociraptor."

    Splash Magazines

  • "Lithe and Winsome...Guidry's range is impressive."

    Picture This Post

  • "Like a primal leading player...Guidry moves and sings easily, bringing the audience into the setting and story with ease."

    Chicago Theatre Review

Young Frankenstein (2016)

  • "Parker Guidry as “Igor” is a standout, having all the right comedic moves and antics that will keep you in hysterics."

    Urban Matter

  • "Parker Guidry is hilarious and unstoppable as Igor."

    Chicago Theatre Review

  • "Guidry really stole our hearts...and displayed fantastic comedic timing and amazing physicality."

    Third Coast Review

RENT (2016)

  • "Parker Guidry stands out with his hauntingly beautiful solo in "Will I?" Anyone who has ever experienced being with someone as they are facing death will recognize and react to Guidry's performance. Guidry manages to capture the fear of dying an undignified death alone. The song may very well bring you to tears."

    Broadway World Chicago

Triassic Parq (2015)

  • "Parker Guidry oozes Prince-caliber sex appeal as the Velociraptor of Innocence, the story’s young protagonist."

    Chicago Reader

  • "Guidry's hope song ("Get Out") is a showstopper with Guidry showing both vulnerability and tenacity while managing to hit some 'Defying Gravity' notes."

    Broadway World Chicago

Kiss of the Spider Woman (2015)

  • "As Molina, Guidry gets to shine."

    Windy City Times

  • "Parker Guidry was fantastic...his Molina was among the best I’ve seen through the years!"

    Chicago Critic